30 June 2013

How to Install and Configure IBM TSM Operations Center - Video Tutorial

To manage a server with the Operations Center, the server must haveTivoli Storage Manager V6.3.4 or later installed.

Installing TSM Operations Center

You can install the Operations Center by using any of the following methods: a graphical wizard, the command line in console mode, or silent mode.
You cannot configure the Operations Center until you install, configure, and start the Tivoli® Storage Manager server. Therefore, before you install the Operations Center, install the Tivoli Storage Manager V6.3.4 server package.
You can install the Operations Center on a computer with the Tivoli Storage Manager server or on a separate computer.

Starting & Stopping TSM Operations Center

The web server of the Operations Center runs as a service and starts automatically.
If you must stop and start the web server for the Operations Center, for example, to restart the initial configuration wizard, use the following methods:


 From the /installation_dir/ui/utils directory, where installation_dir represents the directory where the Operations Center is installed, run the following programs:
  • To stop the server:./stopserver.sh
  • To start the server:./startserver.sh

In Linux

 Run the following commands:
  • To restart the server:service opscenter.rc restart
  • To stop the server:service opscenter.rc stop
  • To start the server:service opscenter.rc start
Tip: You can use the following command to determine whether the server is running:

service opscenter.rc status

 In windows

From the Services window, stop or start the service Tivoli Storage Manager Operations Center.

What is IBM Tivoli Storage Manager TSM Operations Center

The next generation of simplified backup administration dramatically improves scalability and efficiency. Experience how IBM’s advanced interface for Tivoli Storage Manager enables consolidation, intuitive problem resolution and integrated team collaboration.

The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Operations Center is a web-based user interface for monitoring your storage management environment.
You can use the Operations Center to identify potential issues at a glance, manage alerts, and access the Tivoli Storage Manager command line.
The Administration Center interface is also available, but the Operations Center is the preferred monitoring interface.

Introduction to IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Operations Center

You can open the Operations Center with a web browser.
You can open the Operations Center by using any supported web browser. For a list of supported web browsers, see Web browser requirements.
Start your browser, and enter https://hostname:secure_port/oc, where hostname represents the name of the computer where theOperations Center is installed, and secure_port represents the port number that the Operations Center uses for HTTPS communication on that computer.

 Features in IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Operations Center


19 June 2013

Troubleshooting problems and issues in TSM Fastback for workstation Clients V6.3

Files are not backed up by Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations

Files can fail backup for several reasons. Some common reasons are provided in this section.
  • Storage for backup copies is not correctly configured in Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations.  If the area to store backup copies of your protected files is not properly specified, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations can not back up files.
  • If Files to protect are incorrectly configured in Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations.  The files that Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations protects are configurable. If you have configured your list of protected files incorrectly, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations does not back up the files.
  • Files in use are not backed up by Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations. Attempts to perform a local or remote backup of a file that is saved but not closed can fail. This can occur with Quicken Quick Books objects (files with an extension ending in .QBW).
  • Files are not backed up to Tivoli Storage Manager server if Tivoli Storage Manager node name does not match the host name. If the node name assigned by the Tivoli Storage Manager administrator is different from the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations client host name, back up to the Tivoli Storage Manager server fails. The reason is that the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations cannot identify itself properly to the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
  • If Tivoli Storage Manager client node lacks authority to delete backup copies. If Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations does not have delete backup permission on the Tivoli Storage Manager server, it cannot successfully purge older files when the designated storage space is getting full.

Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations user interface replaces existing browser session

When the user interface is started, it replaces an existing browser session. You can change this behavior by changing the settings in more recent versions of Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. In Internet Explorer version 7, you can prevent this behavior. In Internet Explorer version 7 and later versions, change the tabbed browsing settings as follows:
  1. In Tools menu, choose Internet Options. The Internet Options notebook displays.
  2. Select the General tab. The General page displays
  3. In the Tabs section, click on Settings. The Tabbed Browsing Settings dialog displays.
  4. In the Open links from other programs in: section, click the A new window option.
  5. Click OK, the Tabbed Browsing Settings dialog exits.
  6. In the Internet Options notebook, click OK.
  7. The Internet Options notebook exits and your new settings are applied.
In Mozilla Firefox version and later versions, change the browsing settings as follows:
  1. In Tools menu, choose Options. The Options notebook displays.
  2. Select the Tabs tab. The Tabs page displays
  3. In the Open links from other applications in: section, click the A new window option.
  4. Click on OK, the Options notebook exits and your new settings are applied.

Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations user interface contains no file data

If the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations daemon is not running, or if your browser is in offline mode, the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations user interface contains no file data. This condition is accompanied by an error message which begins like this: FPA_getNamedObject: Could not find:. There are two possible causes for this problem.
  • Your browser is offline.
Your browser must be in online mode to see file data. Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers are turned on- or off- line by checking or unchecking File > Work Offline from the browser menu. Confirm that this menu item is not checked.
  • The Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations daemon is not running.
To determine if the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations daemon is running, and restart if necessary.

The number of backup copy versions is greater than configured in Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations

The number of backup copy versions exceeds How many versions to keep configuration setting. The problem occurs when file versions are not tracked properly.

The problem can occur because data folders were not removed between an uninstall and a new installation. The new installation does not have a record of the backup copies created from the previous install and use of the product. This can occur on local storage, remote storage, or both. For a list of folders to remove after uninstall, and before installing again, see Cleaning up after uninstallation.

The problem can also be caused, on remote storage only, because of changes to the encryption or compression settings.

When encryption or compression settings are turned on or off, the versions counter is reset to 0, even if some backup copies exist. This behavior results because Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations tracks file versions without encryption/compression differently than file versions with encryption/compression.

As an example, assume that a file file.txt is continuously protected, and reached its five version limit (5 is the default version limit). The backup copies were not encrypted or compressed. The user then enables compression. Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations then creates up to five new backup copy versions of the file. The restore view shows five versions of the file having name file.txt (corresponding to the original five versions backed up without compression), and five versions of the file named file.txt.cdp (corresponding to the new five versions backed up with compression enabled).

Limit user access to files on a target file server

Set up the security permissions on a target file server to make sure that users only have access to the files that they back up.

By default, the first client that connects to a given server share creates the RealTimeBackup directory. Permissions assigned to the RealTimeBackup directory do not prevent users from reading files they do not own.

The settings used in this example assume one primary user of Tivoli® Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations on the client. This primary user is the first user from a client that connects to the server and creates the subdirectory for files backed up from that client. If Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations operates from other accounts on that client, failures might occur when copying files to the remote server. Error messages such as Failed to open the destination file are logged to the activity report.
Windows file server.

Restoring many files from a single directory Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations

When restoring many files from a single directory using the restore wizard, a message saying that the script is taking too long displays.

When using the restore wizard to list the contents of a directory containing over 3000 files, the browser issues a message saying that the script is taking too long. If you see this message, you can choose to allow the script to continue. Otherwise, you can also choose to customize the behavior of this dialog to avoid the message.

Backup fails after configuration because of insufficient IPV6 permissions

If Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations does not have IPv6 or the appropriate permissions to the IPv6 path, then reports cannot be sent to the Central Administration Console.

If you do not have IPv6, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations is not able to report to the Central Administration Console (CAC). After configuration, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations uses the IPv6 path to reach the administration folder. If the client was using an IPv4 path prior to this release, it switches to IPv6.

Configuration scripts created using the CAC use the IPv6 path in the configuration script field to denote the location of the administration folder. If the user does not have IPv6 or does not have the appropriate permissions to the IPv6 path, then Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations will not be able to send reports to the CAC. To resolve the issue, set up IPv6 and ensure that the account running the client has the correct permissions to the IPv6 path.

How to configure TSM Fastback for Workstation using Settings Notebook

After the initial installation and configuration, you can change your protection settings with the Settings Notebook.

Settings Notebook

Open the Settings Notebook by clicking Settings from the menu of the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations Status panel.

Use the tabs to navigate to any panel whose settings you want to change. Click the OK button to apply your new settings and return to the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations Status panel. Click the Apply button to apply your new settings and stay in the Settings Notebook. Click the Cancel button to exit the Settings Notebook without applying your changes.

The Settings Notebook has six panels:
  • Use the General panel of client Settings Notebook for these settings:
    • Which drive to use for your local storage area.
    • How many versions of protected files to keep on local storage area.
    • The maximum size of your local storage area.
    • Whether you want to store backup copies on local storage area, remote storage area, neither, or both.
  • Use the Files to Protect panel of client Settings Notebook to specify:
    • Which folders and files to continuously protect.
    • Which folders to vault.
    • A forced backup of all protected files when you change which files are continuously protected.
  • Use the E-mail Protection panel of client Settings Notebook for your email protection settings, including the schedule to protect your email and all files that are backed up on a schedule. You can also specify how many versions of the email files to keep.
  • Use the Remote Storage panel of client Settings Notebook to specify:
    • A backup identifier name to help you find the backup on the remote server during the recovery process of an existing machine.
    • A remote storage area.
    • How many versions of protected files to keep on the remote storage area.
    • The maximum size of your remote storage area.
    • Whether to encrypt, compress, or use sub-file copy for backup copies stored on a remote storage area, depending on what type of remote storage is used.
  • Use the Expiration panel of client Settings Notebook to specify:
    • Whether to remove backups of files that were deleted from the backed up computer.
    • How long to keep copies of deleted files before they are removed from the remote storage.
    • How often to check for deleted files to be removed from the remote storage.
  • Use the Advanced panel of client Settings Notebook to specify:
    • Whether to allow program messages to display.
    • Performance settings include:
      • Maximum size of file to protect on local storage area.
      • Maximum size of file to protect on remote storage area.
    • The Advanced panel contains a link to set your scheduled backups. Follow the link to:
      • Choose which files to back up on a schedule.
      • Start a backup of your scheduled files immediately.
    • The Advanced panel also contains a link to manage the throttle settings. Follow the link to:
      • Manage the network rules settings.
      • Manage bandwidth usage.
      • Define throttle speed.

How to configure Tivoli Storage Manager for Workstation 6.3 using Configuration Wizard

After you installed Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations, the configuration wizard helps you configure your protection settings. After the installation completes successfully, the configuration wizard starts automatically. The wizard steps you through a new configuration or the recovery of an existing configuration. You can modify the configuration using the notebook settings after you complete the initial configuration. The Configuration wizard does not startup after an upgrade.

 If you close the wizard before you finish configuring the client, the changes that you made are canceled. Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations protects your files according to the configuration settings that were defined for installation. You can view and change your settings at a later time with the Settings Notebook.

To configure a new computer, the wizard guides you through the following tasks:

Configuration wizard Welcome page

The Welcome page lists the steps that you must complete to configure your computer for the first time, or to configure your computer from an existing backup on a remote server. Click the Next button to open the Select Setup Type page of the wizard. Alternatively, click back to change the configuration type. Only click Cancel if you want to exit the wizard without changing the configuration settings.

Select Setup Type page

The Select Setup Type page gives you a choice between configuring your computer for the first time, or for configuring your computer from an existing backup on a remote server.
Select Setup Type page

Select Next to open the Specify Backup Server page of the wizard. Alternatively, click Cancel to exit the wizard without changing the initial protection settings.

What is Critical page

Specify the files and folders that you want to protect. The specified files and folders and applications will be continuously protected. Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations creates backup copies on a storage area as soon as the files are changed.

What Is Critical page

  • When Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations is installed, it is preconfigured with a list of files and folders to continuously protect. Use this page to confirm that the initial protection settings are correct for your system, or change the settings as appropriate.
  • The protected files are listed by Folders and Files and by Applications. These lists are not exclusive of one another, but offer two views of what is protected.
  • If you want to view the file paths, names, and extensions that are protected, use the Folders and Files summary pane. You can use a file tree to specify what to protect.
  • If you want to view the applications that are protected, use the Applications box. You can specify the applications from a list. Files that are created by the listed applications are protected. The file extensions associated with the application are added to the Folders and Files list.
Note: Email applications are specified in the Email Protection page. Because these files are often very large, their protection settings are configured separately.

 Email Protection page

Use this page to select the email applications that you want to protect. Specify the schedule for protecting the email applications.

E-mail Protection page

Because email files typically are large, they are not backed up continuously, but only on the schedule that you select. Email files are backed up only to remote storage. If the remote storage is not available at the scheduled backup time, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations backs up the email files when the remote storage area becomes available.

 Remote Storage page

Use this page to specify the remote storage for backups of your protected files.

Remote Storage page

Storing files in a remote storage area protects the files in case local copies are lost. Backups of continuously protected files, and files protected on a schedule, are stored in the same remote area. Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations is tolerant of intermittently available networks. If the remote storage area is temporarily unavailable, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations queues backup copies until the remote storage becomes available.

Use the Remote Storage page to specify the remote storage server or device and its location for your backup copies. You can also specify how many versions to keep.

Backup Identifier

In this field, type the name that helps you to identify your backup files on the remote server. The default is your logon name

Location for the External Device or File Server

Select a file server or removable disk to store the backup copies. The remote device can be another computer (such as network-attached storage or a file server), a remote disk, or a removable disk.
  • If you choose a remote server in the Location field, you can use Universal Naming Convention (UNC) specifications for the file server instead of drive letters. Drive letters can change after you restart the system and often do not reconnect automatically.
  • If you choose a USB external device, you can select the drive letter. However, removable external device drive letters can change.
Click Browse to view a Browse for folder dialog box. Use this dialog box to go to the location for your remote storage area. If this dialog becomes hidden behind other windows, click the task bar to bring it to the front.

Tivoli® Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations creates backup copies in a subfolder called \RealTimeBackup\computer name. For example, if a computer name is Computer1, and the remote storage location is configured with the value \\remote\share, backup copies are stored in \\remote\share\RealTimeBackup\Computer1\.

If you log on to your computer with a user name and password that is also valid on your remote storage location, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations authenticates your credential at that location. If the user name and password is not valid on your remote storage location, you must log on to the network using another account with regular privileges. You can log in interactively by using the Net Use command.

WebDAV Server storage location

Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning, or WebDAV. With the WebDAV protocol, you can create, change, and move documents on a remote server. The WebDAV protocol is useful for authoring the documents that a web server serves, but can also be used for general web file storage. If your ISP provides WebDAV functions, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations can store backups on a web-based server.

In the Location field, enter your WebDAV server location using the following format: https://MyISP.com/MyAcct.When using WebDAV, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations can use the basic authentication method. Because this authentication method sends the password as clear text over the network, the web server is configured to use secure sockets.

Tivoli Storage Manager storage location

Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations can store backup copies on a Tivoli Storage Manager server. In the Location field, specify the Tivoli Storage Manager server location, using the following format: tsm://Host.com. You can also use an IP address for the server address.

You can use Tivoli Storage Manager server version 6.1 or later with Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations.

Configure the Tivoli Storage Manager server before you connect from Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations. Register the computer as a Tivoli Storage Manager node. Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations prompts you for the password for this node in order to connect to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. 

If you specify a Tivoli Storage Manager server as the backup target and you want encryption or compression features applied to the backup, you must specify these options in the dsm.opt file in the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations subfolder of the Program data folder.
Restriction: You cannot use a subfile backup feature when the Tivoli Storage Manager server is the backup target.

In addition to backing up data directly to a Tivoli Storage Manager server, you can back up data using a two-stage method. First, use Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations to create remote backups on a file server. Then, schedule a Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client on that file server to back up the files to a Tivoli Storage Manager server.

Restriction: If you use Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations encryption, you cannot use Tivoli Storage Manager compression.

To manage storage space, the Tivoli Storage Manager administrator must grant authority to the Tivoli Storage Manager client node to delete backup copies. 

Remote Storage advanced settings
Depending on the remote storage location that you specified, use the advanced settings in the Remote Storage page to select to encrypt or compress files. You can specify whether to use subfile copies when backing up larger files.

Initial Backup page

Use the Initial Backup page to select whether you want to back up all your files when you finish the configuration wizard.

Initial Backup page

After the first installation of the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations client, you can immediately back up all files that you configured for protection. In the initial backup, newly created files and existing files that are changed are protected. Existing files that are not changed are backed up after the initial scan is done.

The initial backup scans all of your local drives, looking for files that you selected for protection. All files that meet the specifications are backed up to local or remote storage areas. This process can take a long time and affect the performance of your computer. Start this initial backup when you will not be using your computer for other applications. If you do not back up data using the installation wizard, you can force a complete backup at a later time. When you run a complete backup, use the Files to Protect page of the Settings Notebook.

 Specify Backup Server page

On the Specify Backup Server page in the configuration wizard, you can choose to restore data from a Tivoli® Storage Manager server, the web, a file server or an external device.

Specify Backup Server page of the configuration wizard

After you select one of the backup server options from the menu, you must specify the target location of the server that you selected. When you are restoring from the file server, you can either input the server location or click Browse to locate the server.

Identify the Backup page

You must enter a Tivoli Storage Manager node name and password, or select a backup location from a list of backup identifiers.

Identify the Backup page of the configuration wizard for a Tivoli Storage Manager Server

Enter the node name and password if you are restoring data from a Tivoli Storage Manager server. If you are restoring data from a file server or a web server, select the backup identifier to verify the remote location.

 Start Restore Wizard page

Use the Start Restore Wizard page to start the restore wizard or to delay this action until a later time.
Use the Start Restore Wizard page to choose whether to start the restore wizard when the configuration completes.

Start Restore Wizard page

Select the Yes option to start the Restore wizard when you click Finish on the Summary page. The Restore wizard steps you through the process of selecting the files you want to restore, and choosing the location to store the restored files, If you decide not to start the restore wizard, you can access it by selecting the Restore icon on the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations Status page.

Summary page

Use the Summary page to view the summary information for your configuration of Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations. When you click Finish the configuration is complete.

The Summary page lists the configuration details you specified in the previous pages of the wizard.

Choose Back to return to a previous page to modify your configuration choices.

Choose Finish to apply your configuration choices. Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations continues to run in the background and to protect your data by using your configuration settings. When you recover an existing configuration, if you selected to start the restore wizard on completing the configuration the restore wizard opens when you click finish. Otherwise the status page is opened. 

Choose Cancel to exit the wizard without applying your configuration choices. Depending on the configuration chosen, the summary lists:
  • The remote storage location,
  • The backup location or the node name of the remote server,
  • The files for restoring,
  • A warning that the backups will continue to run. You should also ensure that no other computer is backing up to the same node or to the same location.
If you cancel the configuration wizard, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations continues to run in the background and protect your files using the pre-configured settings.

How to Install TSM Fastback for workstation 6.3

Follow these below steps to interactively install the client on a single computer.
  • Double-click the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations client installer icon. The installer shows the language selection dialog. The default is English.
  • Choose your preferred language and click OK. The Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations information window shows the build number.
  • Choose whether to install the Tivoli Storage Manager API. This is necessary for backups to a Tivoli Storage Manager server.
  • Choose whether to install the IBM® Support Assistant (ISA) data collector. This is used to collect data that can be provided to the support team.
  • Click Next. The License Agreement window displays.
  • Read the License Agreement, and indicate if you accept the terms of the agreement. Click Next. The Destination Folder window displays.
  • Accept the default installation location, or click Change to specify another location. Click Next. The Ready to Install the Program window displays.
  •  Confirm that the information is correct and click Next. The installation window shows a progress bar indicating that the necessary files are being installed on your computer. It also shows a command prompt window as the installer runs several scripts.
           The Installation Complete window displays.
  • If you are installing on Windows Vista, and there is an existing Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations client, you see the Files in Use window. Click OK. You also see a warning that the setup was unable to automatically close all requested applications. Click OK.
  • If it is your first installation of the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations client on this computer, a configuration wizard helps you choose your protection settings. See Navigating the configuration wizard.
    Click Finish. The installer indicates that you must reboot in the following situations:

  •         You are reinstalling or upgrading Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations.
  •         A product that uses the Tivoli Storage Manager API is installed and running. Tivoli Storage Manager Backup-Archive client is such a product.

What to do next

If you upgrade over a previous version of Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations, you must restart the computer for the new settings to become active and for your protection to continue.

After installation (and restart, if required), the client immediately starts protecting your files.

16 June 2013

How are the backup versions are managed in TSM Fastback Workstation

Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations stores many backup copies in the native file format. You can restore the backup copies by using native file system commands. Some backup copies are created using sub-file copy, compression, or encryption. These must be restored with the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations client.

Format of backup copies created by Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations

Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations keeps most backup copies in the same format as the original file.

Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations provides tools and views to see the backup copies to restore them. However, in many cases it is not necessary to use Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations to restore those backup copies. These files have contents exactly like the originals, in a directory tree structure that simulates the original tree.

Some backup copies are not in the same format as the original files, and must be restored using Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations, such as 

  •     Backup copies stored on Tivoli Storage Manager server
  •     Backup copies that were encrypted
  •     Backup copies that were compressed
  •     Large files that were backed up with subfile copy. In the storage area, the subfile copies have -FPdelta file name suffix.
  •     Versions of bitmap backups. In the storage area, these backup copies have -TPdelta file name suffix.

Versioning of backup copies created by Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations

As you change a file, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations keeps backup copies of each version of the original file.

To track versions of a file, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations adds a version suffix to the file name of the backup copy. On the local storage area, all backup copies contain a version suffix. On the remote storage area, all backup copies (except the most recent backup copy) contain a version suffix. When a file is deleted on your computer, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations adds a version identifier to the file name of the most recent backup copy on the remote storage area.

The version suffix is "-FP" followed by a number. For example, a file named data.xls could be stored as versioned backup copy data.xls-FP1168376676.xls.

The most recent backup copy of a file is the “active” backup copy. Older backup copies of that file are “inactive” backup copies. If storage space is approaching the limit, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations will delete inactive backup copies of a file before deleting active backup copies.

A file that is protected by schedule could change several times during the schedule interval. Only the last version of the file prior to the end of the schedule will be backed up. A continuously protected file is backed up after every saved change.

Modifying backup copies

If you move or modify backup copies with native file system tools, the client ceases to function correctly and is not supported.

You can use native file system tools to copy backup copies to restore your original files. Do not use native file system tools to modify backup copies. Use native file system tools to remove backup copies only if you uninstall the client.

What are the new features in Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) Fastback for Workstations client V6.3

The Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations client provides a flexible, easy to use file protection system. Your most important files can be continuously protected. Your less important files can be protected at scheduled intervals to save time and storage space. Email files can also be protected. And you can prevent any changes (including deletions) to files in folders that you designate as vaults.

Continuously protected files are backed up to a local drive. This means that backup copies are created even when network conditions prevent storing backup copies remotely. Continuously protected files can also be stored on remote storage locations, when network connections allow. If a remote location is not available when you change a continuously protected file, the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations client makes a backup copy on that device as soon as the device becomes available. Scheduled backup copies are created on the interval that you configure (hourly, weekly, daily, or monthly). If the remote device for scheduled backups is not available at the time of the backup, theTivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations client makes backup copies on the remote location as soon as that device becomes available.

Every time you change a file, a backup copy is created. You can choose which version of a protected file you want to restore, and configure how many backup copies to save.

Below figure provides an overview of how the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations client protects your data.

After installation of a Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations client, the client immediately provides continuous protection for a pre-configured list of files. You can see the backup copies in the \RealTimeBackup\ folder in the root of your primary drive. The backup copies can also be seen in the list of files that you can restore with the Restore Wizard of the client. The default space allocated for your backup copies is 500 MB.

You can configure other lists of files to protect, other storage areas, scheduled protection, and other protection options, using the client or the central administration console.

Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations can store backup copies on a Tivoli Storage Manager server, but there is no requirement to use Tivoli Storage Manager. Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations is a stand-alone product and has no dependencies on Tivoli Storage Manager or Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack.

Different types of protection offered by TSM Fastback for Workstation 6.3:

 The Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations client offers three types of protection for your files: continuous protection, scheduled protection, and vaulting.
  • Continuous protection means that every time a file is saved, a backup copy is created. Hence, the backup copy exactly matches the original file as you last saved it. If you choose to save more than one version of a backup copy, the previous backup copies match the previous versions of your file.
  • Files that are protected by schedule are copied to the remote storage area on a regular schedule. They are not backed up every time you save them, as are continuously protected files. Hence, scheduled protection yields fewer backup copies. If a file is lost between the time it is saved and the time it is backed up, you are able to restore only a previous version of the file.
  • Email files are protected on a schedule.

If the storage area is unavailable when a protected file is saved, the client notes that the file was changed. When the storage area becomes available, the client makes a backup copy of the most recent version of the file. 

New features in TSM Fastback for Workstations version 6.3.0: 

Configuration wizard enhancements

    A new recovery option was added to the configuration wizard to help users recover their previous backup settings and quickly start backing up or recovering files.

Allow the user to schedule backups to expire

    To conserve storage space you can set backups of deleted files to expire after a certain amount of time. You can configure this expiration process to run at a scheduled interval.

Increased Include/Exclude list size limit

    The character limit on the contents of the include, exclude, and vault lists was increased from 2048 characters to a maximum of 16,000 characters.

Support for IPv6

    Support was added for IPv6. IPv6 removes the IP addressing limitation of IPv4, and provides improved quality of service and IP security.

13 June 2013

simultaneously taking backup to multiple storagepools

Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) offers simultaneously writing data into multiple (primary, Copy & Activedata) storage pools at the same time. TSM Clients can transfer data to multiple storage pools if configured properly. Using the simultaneous-write function requires consideration of factors such as storage devices and network configuration.

You control the simultaneous-write function by specifying certain parameters when you define or update primary storage pools. You can control when data is written simultaneously. You can also specify the copy storage pools and active-data pools to which data is simultaneously written.

Specifying when the simultaneous-write operations occur You can specify simultaneous-write operations for any primary storage pool that is the target of client store sessions, server import processes, or server  Data-migration processes. You can also disable the simultaneous-write function. To control the simultaneous-write function, use the AUTOCOPY parameter on the DEFINE STGPOOL or UPDATE STGPOOL commands for primary storage pools.

Limitations of Simultaneous Write or Autocopy Operations

  • Data cannot be written simultaneously to copy storage pools and active-data pools during server data movements such as Reclamation, MOVE DATA processes, MOVE NODEDATA processes, Storage pool backup and Copy of active data to an active-data storage pool.
  • The only server-data movement process that can write data simultaneously is migration.
  • Simultaneous-write operations take precedence over LAN-free data movement. The operations go over the LAN, and the simultaneous-write configuration is honored.
  • Target storage pools used for simultaneous-write operations can have different device classes, if the device classes have compatible data formats. Performance is limited by the speed of the slowest device.
  • Limitations apply when a NAS backup operation is writing a TOC file. If the primary storage pool that is specified in the TOCDESTINATION in the copy group of the management class has copy storage pools or active-data pools defined, the copy storage pools and active-data pools are ignored. The data is stored only in the primary storage pool.

Data Deduplication has the following effects on simultaneous-write operations  

  • If client-side deduplication is enabled, it is disabled before simultaneous-write operations occur. Non-deduplicated data is simultaneously written to target storage pools.
  • If a primary storage pool is set up for server-side deduplication, all copy storage pools and active-data pools are removed from simultaneous-write operations. For example, suppose that your simultaneous-write configuration comprises a primary storage pool, a copy storage pool, and an active-data pool. And if the primary storage pool is set up for server-side deduplication, Data is written only to the primary storage pool.
  • If a primary storage pool is not set up for server-side deduplication, data is written simultaneously only to copy storage pools or active data pools that are not set up for server-side deduplication. For example, suppose that your simultaneous-write configuration comprises a primary storage pool, a copy storage pool, and an active-data pool. The primary storage pool and the active-data pool are not set up for server-side deduplication. However, the copy storage pool is set up for server-side deduplication. When simultaneous-write operations occur, data is written only to the primary storage pool and the active-data pool.

Controlling Simultaneous-Write OR Autocopy Operations

Specify a value for the AUTOCOPY parameter on the primary storage pool that is the target of data movement. (The default is to write data simultaneously during client store sessions and server import processes.) 

The AUTOCOPY parameter is not available for copy storage pools or active-data pools. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager provides the following options for controlling when simultaneous-write operations occur
  • To disable the simultaneous-write function, specify AUTOCOPY=NONE. This option is useful, if, for example, you have copy storage pools or active-data pools defined, and you want to temporarily disable the simultaneous-write function without having to delete and then redefine the pools.
  • To specify simultaneous-write operations only during client store sessions and server import processes, specify AUTOCOPY=CLIENT. During server import processes, data is simultaneously written only to copy storage pools. Data is not written to active-data pools during import processes.
  • To specify that simultaneous-write operations take place only during server data-migration processes, specify AUTOCOPY=MIGRATION. During server data migration, data is simultaneously written to copy storage pools and active-data pools only if the data does not exist in those pools. 
  • To specify that simultaneous-write operations take place during client store sessions, server data-migration processes, and server import processes, specify AUTOCOPY=ALL.
A primary storage pool can be the target for more than one type of data movement. For example, the next storage pool in a storage pool hierarchy can be the target for data migration from the primary storage pool at the top of the hierarchy. The next storage pool can also be the target for direct backup of certain types of client files (for example, image files). The AUTOCOPY=ALL setting on a primary storage pool ensures that data is written simultaneously during both server data-migration processes and client store sessions.

5 June 2013

Commands to create new volume group VG in AIX

This "procedure" is used to see the content of an unused disk on AIX and create a new volume group from this unused disk
  • lspv (To display information about a physical volume within a volume group)
  • importvg <disk> (Imports a new volume group definition from a set of physical volumes)
                   importvg hdisk0

  • lsvg -l <logical volume> (Displays information about volume groups)
                     lsvg -l vg00
  • varyoffvg <volume group>
                     varyoffvg vg00
  • exportvg <volume group> ( Exports the definition of a volume group from a set of physical
                     exportvg vg00
  • mkvg -f -y <volum group> <disk> (Create a volume group forcing the volume group to be created on the specified physical
                mkvg -f -y datavg hdisk0