IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1 high level introduction video guide

IBM Spectrum Protect was formerly known as Tivoli Storage Manager, TSM, ADSM. The below  latest video from IBM covers basic functions, components and related products of TSM. This high level overview is an introduction to IBM Spectrum Protect as of version 8.1. IBM has introduced many new features in Spectrum Protect version v8.1 where you can take backup to 4 of the widely used cloud storage services and you can fastly transfer data to DR servers by integrating Aspera FASP technologies.

The below video covers why any organization needs a data protection solution to protect its IT infrastructure, applications and its business critical data and why IBM Spectrum Protect is one of the best choice to implement. The video covers
  • Basic concepts of TSM Backup and Archive and benefits of using it.
  • Different types of Backup methods supported by TSM
  • How to protect various applications, databases and virtual environment using TSM (hot and cold backups).
  • Various data reduction techniques which helps in saving storage space.
  • Different kinds of Disaster Recovery Strategies that can be implemented by using TSM.
  • Different types of snapshots and Bare metal recovery techniques supported by TSM.
  • Finally, how to use TSM operations center to configure backup schedule and administer the daily house keeping activities with ease.
Also Read: IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) Basic Free Tutorials

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