Troubleshooting Atape device drivers issues in AIX operating system

Follow these below steps for upgrading the Atape device driver in AIX, including reconfiguring the devices in AIX, upgrading Atape, and deleting and redefining the tape paths, drives, and library in Tivoli Storage Manager.

Troubleshooting Atape device drivers in TSM

Step 1
From Tivoli Storage Manager, Save the output from the device queries, and save the current device configuration (the filename is optional):
query library 
query drive f=d 
query path f=d 
query devclass f=d 
backup devconfig [ filename=devconfig.bak ]
Step 2
From AIX, 

List the tape devices:
lsdev -Cc tape

Remove the drive and library device names:
rmdev -dl <dev#>

For example, if the drive device name is /dev/rmt1:
rmdev -dl rmt1

Also Read: Steps to upgrade Atape device drivers

Step 3
Upgrade Atape, Ftp the Atape driver in binary mode from IBM FIXCentral: 

Remove the older Atape driver (optional):
installp -u Atape.driver

Install and commit the Atape driver. For example, if you downloaded the file to /tmp/Atape.
installp -acXd /tmp/Atape. all

Configure the tape device:
cfgmgr -v
(-v is not required but will show where it hangs if it does) 

Verify the new devices are Available:
lsdev -Cc tape 

While not always absolutely necessary, it is strongly recommended to reboot the system after upgrading the Atape.driver.

Step 4
From Tivoli Storage Manager, While it is recommended to remove and redefine the paths after any hardware change, including upgrading Atape.driver, sometimes it is not necessary to do anything else after upgrading Atape. If the activity log reports I/O errors for the library or drives, sometimes it is only necessary to force the Tivoli Storage Manager server to communicate with the drives to resolve them:
update path <server> <driver> srctype=server desttype=drive library=<libr> device=<dev#> online=yes

If this does not resolve the I/O errors, then continue with steps 5,6. 

Step 5
Delete the drive and library paths 

For each drive:
delete path <server> <drive> srctype=server desttype=drive library=<libr>

For the library:
delete path <server> <drive> srctype=server desttype=library

Step 6
Redefine the drive and library paths
define path <server> <libr> srctype=server desttype=library device=/dev/<xxx> online=yes 

define path <server> <libr> srctype=server desttype=library library=<libr> devicename=/dev/<xxx> online=yes

(Use the devconfig file backup as a guide for these definitions.) 

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