How to synchronize tape library inventory with TSM database entries - Video Tutorial

Use audit commands to synchronise the data between storage pools and TSM DB.  Use the following commands as applicable whenever necessary.

Auditing Tape Libraries
You need to run an audit occasionally to make sure that what TSM thinks is in your library, matches reality.  The audit command is

The CHECKLABEL=BARCODE switch is optional, but it will make the audit go pretty fast, say 5 minutes. With that switch, all the audit involves is your robot scanning the barcode labels of all the tapes. Without that switch, the default action is to mount each tape, which will take a long time. The audit may wait until all tapes are dismounted from drives, so it could take a while for an audit to start. Consider canceling tape processes if your audit is waiting, and you need it in a hurry.

Auditing Tape Volumes
You can audit a tape volume with the command
 audit volume vol001 fix=yes

and this will check all the backups on the tape and fix the database entries for any that are damaged. It is also possible to audit all the volumes in a storage pool with a single command
 audit volume stgpool=pool-name fix=yes

Also Read: 15 tips to efficiently use the tape drive resources

This could audit a lot of tapes and take a long time so you can restrict it by date. For example say you had a tape drive that went faulty on March 25th 2005 and was fixed on April 1st 2005. You want to check all the tapes that were written in that period for errors. Use the command
 audit volume stgpool=pool-name fromdate=032505 todate=040105

If you chose a volume that is part of a volume set because it contains files that span volumes TSM will select the first volume in the set and scan them all, even if you pick a volume in the middle. If you just want to audit one specific volume in a set then you need to use the skippartial parameter
 audit volume volser fix=yes skippartial=yes

Controlling wait times for tape mounts
By default, a process will wait 60 minutes for a tape mount, before it gets cancelled. To change this, use the server option

where n is a number in minutes from 0 to 9999. The parameter will only start counting once the process gets the mount message, so if a process is waiting because all the drives are in use, it will not time out.

Also Read: Limitations of using TSM Tape Drive Encryption

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