25 April 2013

what are the configuration files and parameters required for TSM (storageagent) Lanfree backup


To take the client backup in lanfree mode, you have to edit or modify some parameters in TSM client configuration files. You should also define lanfree storage agent as a server in the TSM server. Below are some of the important files and its required parameters to enable Storageagent or LANfree backup in any Tivoli Storage Manager environment.

Parameters in Client option file (DSM.OPT):

NODENAME                                           <ClientName>
SERVERNAME                                      <TSMServerName>
TCPSERVERADDRESS                     <TSMServerAddress>
TCPPORT                                               <TCPPort>
COMMMETHOD                                     TCPIP
LANFREETCPPORT                            <LFPORT>
ENABLELANFREE                                YES

Parameters in Storage Agent configuration file (DSMSTA.OPT):

DEVCONFIG             <DevConfigName>
SERVERNAME        <TSMServerName>
TCPPort                     <LFPORT>

The following is the SETSTORAGESERVER command that will be required to configure the Storage Agent

DSMSTA SETSTORAGESERVER MYNAME=<StorageAgentName> MYPASSWORD=<UnencryptedStorageAgentPassword> MYHLADDRESS=<StorageAgentAddress> SERVERNAME=<TSMServerName> SERVERPASSWORD=<UnencryptedTSMServerPassword> HLADDRESS=<TSMServerAddress> LLADDRESS=<TCPPort>

Running this above command should generate this parameters in this below devconfig file

Device configuration file (DEVCONFIG.OUT): 

SET STANAME <StorageAgentName>
SET STAPASSWORD <EncryptedStorageAgentPassword>
SET STAHLADDRESS <StorageAgentAddress>
DEFINE SERVER <TSMServerName> SERVERPA=<EncryptedTSMServerPassword>

Commands used to define or set a server on Tivoli Storage Manager Server

set servername <TSMServerName>
set serverpassword <UnencryptedTSMServerPassword>
set serverhladdress <TSMServerAddress>
set serverlladdress <TCPPort>
set crossdefine on

Commands to issue from the Tivoli Storage Manager server:

DEFINE SERVER <StorageAgentName> SERVERPA=<UnencryptedStorageAgentPassword>
HLADDRESS=<StorageAgentAddress> LLADDRESS=<TCPPort>

REGISTER NODE <ClientName> <ClientPassword> domain=<DomainName>

This is just an example of storage agent configuration template and can be used to verify current settings or to assist in configuring a Storage Agent

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